
The Big Black Truck is a fully self-contained 4WD capable truck with a custom built workshop trailer offering some of our most popular one day courses in blacksmithing and knifemaking as Community Outreach.

The Big Black Truck can be deployed within a community offering a variety of knifemaking and blacksmith workshops developed by Tharwa Valley Forge. It can be set up in a community in an RFS fire shed or local park, on a school oval, in a small car park or on a vacant lot of land. The Truck has its own solar power system and generators, requiring limited infrastructure to operate. 

Through the process of making things with their hands, coached by experienced instructors, students have the opportunity to positively develop self-confidence, self-worth and resilience. Whether they make a knife, a tool, a piece of furniture or a leather bag, the daily use of these objects is a regular reminder of a student's worth. They create heirlooms which are a source of personal pride.

Workshops are for small groups allowing the dedicated and well-trained tutors to provide intensive instruction while participants create something lasting. The workshop trailer has the capacity for 2 workshops of 4 people per class to be undertaken simultaneously.



Depending on the local needs in an area, funded places may be offered to family pairs, first responders, community workers, school children / youth and others who might benefit from the courses. Working with, and alongside current community support services / programs, with ongoing consultation will allow for the responsiveness of projects and participant focus within each community.  

Community groups can nominate via an Expression of Interest to be considered for scholarship courses. These will be assessed on a quarterly basis. Courses could be offered in blacksmithing, knifemaking, leather work and metal sculpture.

Doing a course with people with similar circumstances helps build a support network and reduce feelings of isolation. It allows people in a non threatening environment to make connections and start conversations that can provide people with the beginnings of a support network they may not have realised they need.

For more information or to lodge an Expression of Interest email us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




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