Blacksmithing Foundations

Want to get started in blacskmithing but not sure where to begin? This week long intensive helps you build your skills as you build your own tools. It has a maximum of four students only.

The week will cover

  • workshop safety
  • using a gas forge
  • using hammers and tongs to move and hold metal
  • forging a point
  • flattening metal
  • bending, twisting metal into shapes
  • punching holes
  • making 
    • drifts
    • punches
    • hammers
    • tongs
    • cut off tools
    • riveting tools
    • swage tools
    • gas forge

By the end of the week you should have a range of tools that you can set your workshop up with.

Cost includes: Tuition, insurance, materials, use of tools, gas forge components, workshop consumables, safety gear, morning and afternoon tea.

Need to bring: Lunch, appropriate clothing and covered footwear

Booking in advance is essential - very limited places



Start Time 8:00 am
Mon 06-05-2024
Finish Time 5:00 pm
Fri 10-05-2024
Capacity 6
Registered 3
Available 3
Price $2,750
Instructor Adam Fromholtz
Location Cuppacumbalong

Venue Information - Cuppacumbalong

Cuppacumbalong Homestead is located at 21 Naas Road in Tharwa ACT. Park onsite at bottom of the driveway. Fridge and microwave available for storing and reheating lunches.

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

Location Map

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