English Longbows

People have been making and shooting wooden bows for thousands of years; since before we had writing, permanent settlements and pottery. Cave paintings from untold eons past show our ancestors living and thriving by their skill with these elegant and sophisticated tools. Though the technology has been overtaken, making a bow from wood remains as thrilling and rewarding as it ever has been. In modern times, the hunt for the perfect wood bow is a pursuit unto itself.

In this comprehensive weekend-long workshop you will fashion a longbow made of sustainable Australian hardwood laminated with either bamboo or another sustainably sourced timber. By the end of the weekend you’ll be shooting your hand-made bow, strung with your hand-made string and your custom arm guard.

This course will not only see you craft a magnificent longbow from scratch, but also equip you with the skills and knowledge to replicate your efforts at home. You will learn the theory, science and art of turning dead timber into dynamic and lively bows capable of shooting arrows up to hundreds of metres.

No prior woodworking experience is necessary. Neither is previous experience in archery. Those new to archery will be encouraged to make bows of moderate draw weight. Those who already have experience with heavier bows will be able to craft longbows or flatbows suitable for hunting or longer-range target shooting.

The course is fun and rewarding. Your friends will look with wonder and amazement at the beautiful bow that you will have crafted with your own hands and newfound skills.

Cost includes: Tuition, insurance, materials, use of tools, workshop consumables, safety gear.
Need to bring: Lunch, appropriate clothing and covered footwear
Booking in advance is essential


Start Time 6:00 pm
Fri 10-05-2024
Finish Time 5:00 pm
Sun 12-05-2024
Capacity 4
Registered 4
Available 0
Price $950
Instructor David Clarke
Location Tharwa Valley Forge

Venue Information - Tharwa Valley Forge

Tharwa Valley Forge is located at 11 Naas Road in Tharwa ACT. Parking is located next to the Forge in the signposted carpark. Fridge and microwave available for storing and reheating lunches.

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